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After expo sale : isopods
Mandan, ND

Views: 18
After expo sale : isopods

After expo sale!

I have plenty of isopods left from the fargo exotic pet expo and I dont really want to unpack them so they are discounted for you guys! All isopods listed will be buy one get one half off! Mourning geckos will be buy one get one 10$ off! The sale will go until Saturday November 2nd! ( ) is what's available.

10 Count Isopod Cultures

$30 Armadillidium gestroi (x22)

$20 Armadillidium granulatum (19)

$20 Armadillidium maculatum "zebra" (10)

$15 Armadillidium peraccea (20)

$25 Armadillidium officinalis "red" (20)

$15 Armadillidium officinalis "spain"(11)

$30 Cubaris sp. "panda king"(22)

$115 Cubaris sp. "pink ducky"(8)

$125 Cubaris sp. "blonde ducky"(17)

$15 Porcellio dilatatus "giant canyon"(16)

$15 Porcellio leavis "dairy cow"(26)

$25 Porcellio leavis "milkback"(18)

$15 Porcellio leavis "orange"(20)

$10 Porcellio pruinosus "blue"(9)

$20 Porcellio pruinosus "oreo"(9)

25 Count Isopod Cultures

$20 Trichorhina tomentosa "Dwarf white"(43)

Also listed on Facebook @ShadowfireExotics


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