Minot, ND

Watching: 14
Views: 1109

2 Coated Male

1 Coated Female

1 Hairless Female

1 Hairless Male

Born January 19. They will be Ready after March 9th. They will have their first set of shots and deworming. Im asking $900 for the coated and $1,800 for the hairless. To reserve a pup, I am asking 50% deposit.

A little history:

The Xoloitzcuintli Is a wonderful breed. They make excellent pets.

The Aztezc and Mayans believed that the Xolo was going to protect them from evil and take them to the afterlife. Since they were believed to guide them to the afterlife the xolo were often sacrificed with their owners. The xolo has to go through 9 levels to reach heaven and help the owners across the Chiconahuapan river, the last level to reach heaven they have to carry the souls of their owner on their backs.The red dog was preferred cause the black were too dirty and the lighter colored ones were to pure,but the water from the river would create marks on their skin and once they would arrive the lord of the underworld Mictlantecuhtli would ask the dog if he wanted to stay in heaven or return to earth so if they have markings it means they've been on earth twice which does are called the Mariposa.

Due to genetic variation within the breed it causes the puppies to end up being any size when there are adults even if both parents are miniature. And if the parents are both hairless the litter might contain coated puppies. It's not unusual, it's a normal part when breeding xolos.


Dog AgePuppy(ies)
Fixed No
Number of Females2
Number of Males3

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Placeholder profile imageNayancy